No more excuses! I love wind energy
Even if one doesn‘t believe in global warming: no one can attribute the pollution and exploitation of this world to nature itselve - this was us! (Freddie Rutz)
Who is Freddie Rutz? The Swiss man was a professional dancer at many opera houses, musical performer at the Theater des Westens in Berlin and was considered as one of the best dancers in the German show industry in the 1990s. At the same time with his new passion magic, he became member at the famous Wintergarten Varieté in Berlin. Freddie was also a choreographer at the Berlin Friedrichstadt-Palast and founded his own production company. As a director and producer, he created award-winning trade and event shows for corporations such as Samsung, Sony and DHL. As the Swiss Guy, he still performs as a comedy magician, advises events and theater for the staging of magical effects and is president of the Berlin Magic Circle. 2020 he was artistic director and director for the 30th anniversary of the German reunification on October 3rd. Freddie is a specialist in live communication and has a big versatility and a great knowledge of how to convince people in the entertainment industry and in business life. He uses this knowledge as environmental magician to persuade his audience with simple means to make a difference in their own micro-cosmos.
The environmental magician conjures up a diverse, lively and healthy environment. He uses topics such as wind power or the ice of the Arctic to introduce us to the great visions of the environment with his illusions in an extremely entertaining way. The treasures of the smartphone are recycled in the same way that plastic bottles are upcycled into tap dancing shoes and dancing dolls. There are magical moments with things from one's own microcosm and productions that even reveal a viewer's taste in coffee. In addition, his chocolate magically enchants her fair trade. The environmental magician tells how he made it into the Guinness Book of Records with the highest blood pressure ever measured and how his "Plastic Face Factory" revolutionized the beauty industry! Unique, custom-made and hand-made, it also provides the basis for good-humored sustainability in everyday life... and certainly no hocus-pocus.
Our Water Recycling Cellphones
Why is Freddie Rutz the environmental magician? He was fortunate to travel with his profession to many countries on earth. Again and again he was shocked by the pollution of our earth; whether on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, in the slums of Sierra Leone or the glaciers in Switzerland. Humble and knowing that he, too, caused this condition with his ecological footprint, he is aware of his collective complicity. But how can one live his life in such a way that nature does not pollute even more and there is less poverty in third world countries? It is not Freddie's goal to expose grievances or point out wrongdoing. His intention is to acknowledge every person in our society that his own behavior led to these circumstances. This works best in the theater, where many people feel affected together and see each other in the eyes of others: oh, so you too! What better and easier way can you do that than with something that is dear to us and we all like: chocolate, coffee and bananas. Other topics are water, global warming, the clothing industry and bees etc ...!
Time is now! Bundesministerium  für Entwicklungshilfe rutz produktionen gmbh Schlossstrasse 51 D - 14059 Berlin  e: f: +49/30/3265219 m: +49/171/6426932 impressum
Contact: Environmental Magician is a rutz produktionen gmbh Schlossstrasse 51 D - 14059 Berlin e: f: +49/30/3265219 m: +49/171/6426932
2020 he was artistic director and director for the state act of the 30th anniversary of the German reunification. Freddie is specialised in live communication and has a tremendous versatility and a great knowledge of how to convince people in the entertainment industry and in business life. He uses this unique know-how as environmental magician to persuade everybody in his audience to make a difference in their own micro-cosmos.
Unique, custom-made and hand- made, it also provides the basis for good-humored sustainability in everyday life... and certainly no hocus-pocus.
It is not the aim of his show to expose grievances or to point out wrongdoing. Its intention is for every person in our society to admit that their own behavior led to these circumstances. The motivation and the feeling of happiness when you change something very small in your microcosm strengthens the will to carry your thoughts out into the world so that humanity will still have a nature in the future.
“ “ If the average annual temperature at the equator rises by another degree, the cocoa plant will die out there. Where will chocolate come from in the future? From Iceland?
Why is Freddie Rutz environmental magician? He was fortunate to travel with his profession to many countries. Again and again he was shocked by the pollution of our earth; whether on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, in the slums of Sierra Leone or the glaciers in Switzerland. Humble and knowing that he too caused this condition with his ecological footprint, he is aware of his collective complicity. But how can one live his life in such a way that nature does not pollute even more and there is less poverty in third world countries?
“ In the future, billions of flowers will be pollinated by a huge swarm of mini-drones. Everyone is flying all over the place and suddenly they all crash - dead zone... Thank you Telkom…!
Who is Freddie Rutz? The Swiss was first a professional dancer at many opera houses, musical actor at the Theater des Westens in Berlin and was considered as one of the best dancers in the German show industry in the 1990s. At the same time with his new passion magic, he became member at the Wintergarten Varieté in Berlin. Later Freddie was choreographer at the Friedrichstadt-Palast in Berlin and founded his own production company. As director and producer he created award-winning trade shows, kick-off events and event shows for corporations such as Samsung, Sony and DHL. As the Swiss Guy, he still performs as a comedy magician, advises events and theater for the staging of magical effects and is chairman of the Berlin Magic Circle.
“ In Germany, 120 million used mobile phones are simply sitting in a drawer at home – this gives the term pigeonhole thinking a whole new meaning?!
The environmental magician conjures up a diverse, lively and healthy environment. He uses topics such as wind power or the ice of the Arctic to introduce us to the great visions of the environment with his illusions in an extremely entertaining way. The treasures of the smartphone are recycled in the same way that plastic bottles are upcycled into tap dancing shoes and dancing dolls. There are magical moments with things from one's own microcosm and productions that even reveal a viewer's taste in coffee. In addition, his chocolate magically enchants her fair trade. The environmental magician tells how he made it into the Guinness Book of Records with the highest blood pressure ever measured and how his "Plastic Face Factory" revolutionized the beauty industry!