Plastichasbecomeanintegralpartofourlives.Notonlynew,creativeideasandtechniquesreduceplastic waste, recycling can also prevent a lot of new production so that less oil has to be extracted for it.Needwhat'salreadythere!Asolutionthatisalreadyonthetableandcanbeimplementedimmediately,also inshowbusiness.FreddieRutzstages,jugglesanddrumsPETbottlesanddanceswithself-madePETtap shoesinanoriginalandthrillingway.TheuniquePETBoyz,hisPETdolls,danceinsyncwithhiminhis originalenvironmentalshow.Theenvironmentalmagicianinspireseveryoneintheaudienceandshowsthat you can bring a rousing number to the stage at no cost.
Plastic has become an integral part of our lives. Not only new, creative ideas and techniques reduce plastic waste, recycling can also prevent a lot of new production so that less oil has to be extracted for it.Need what's already there! A solution that is already on the table and can be implemented immediately, also in show business. Freddie Rutz stages, juggles and drums PET bottles and dances with self-made PET tap shoes in an original and thrilling way. The unique PET Boyz, his PET dolls, dance in sync with him in his original environmental show. The environmental magician inspires everyone in the audience and shows that you can bring a rousing number to the stage at no cost.