Here you will find current public dates and reports on important public events with the environmental magician. Although he is not a party member, the environmental magician supported the election campaign of Berlin's top candidate Bettina Jarasch (green party) for the office of Berlin mayor. At the opening meeting of the new coalition, many environmental organizations demonstrated in front of the meeting location in Berlin-Mitte. The environmental magician supported DENEFF, the German organization for energy efficiency.
Demo for energy efficiency forDENEFF Wahlkampf für  Bettina Jarasch
Here you will find current public dates and reports on important public events with the environmental magician. Although he is not a party member, the environmental magician supported the election campaign of Berlin's top candidate Bettina Jarasch (green party) for the office of Berlin mayor. At the opening meeting of the new coalition, many environmental organizations demonstrated in front of the meeting location in Berlin- Mitte. The environmental magician supported DENEFF, the German organization for energy efficiency.